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I'm just a guy trying to trust in God and be the best I can be for God and others, then myself.

Friday, January 22, 2016

For All Mothers

Today is an important day, so I have some prayers.

I pray for all those who have had abortions, that God will bring them healing and mercy.
I pray for all those who have been aborted, their lives cut short, that they may be in the fullness of God's presence in heaven.
I pray for those who have forced mothers to have abortions, for whatever reasons, that they may seek mercy and forgiveness.
I pray for all those who have performed and assisted in abortions, and that continue to do so, that they may turn from their ways and understand the value that all life has, no matter what stage it is at.
I pray for those who have survived abortion attempts, that they can show mercy and speak out for the value of life.
Lastly, I pray for mothers who chose life, that God will provide for them in their struggles and reassure them that by choosing life they have greatly blessed our world.

My life has been touched by women on both sides of this struggle. I think it's important to remember though, especially for the pro-life movement, that support for life can't end after the child is born. There are homeless and needy children all over our country and our world. They continue to have dignity and need our support just as much as children still in the womb do.

Mary, please pray for all mothers, especially on this day, and pray for all of us who have the ability to support mothers and their children.

Finally, this is a song that's been going through my head a lot lately, and if you've been reading any of my posts of the last few weeks you'll know why.

Peace all

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