Who Am I?

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I'm just a guy trying to trust in God and be the best I can be for God and others, then myself.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Empty Me, Lord

There is a song I've listened to for few years. I'm not sure how I ended up with this song in my music list, but I am thankful that I have it. One of the most simple songs you could ever hear, but with maybe the most difficult lyrics to live out.
The song is called "Empty Me" by Jeremy Camp.
I know God works in all ways throughout my day and night. These last few days have been tough, but with my music on shuffle the other night, this song, along with a few others came on, right when I needed to hear them.
"Empty Me" has been a favorite, and one whose message, even more so now, I desire to live out. I have so badly this desire in my heart to give up everything and do something radical in the hopes of possibly being with two very special people. This plan that I have, to make this desire a possibility, is so far from what I wanted to do just a short while ago that I feel like it might actually be what God is calling me to.
At mass this morning I prayed for guidance and to only do God's will. At the end of mass was the first time I prayed for God to show me something else if this current plan is not His will. That really scared me. I so badly desire to do His will, but is this plan I have a part of God's plan for my life?
I'm praying for God to empty me of everything that is not of Him. I need more God, and less of myself. No matter what happens, God will not lead me astray. Following my own will I know will lead me off path. How do I know when God's will and my own desires are the same though?

Please Lord, empty me and fill me with You

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