Who Am I?

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I'm just a guy trying to trust in God and be the best I can be for God and others, then myself.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Facing the Facts


  • I love God to the best of my ability 
  • I desire to do His will
  • I have a desire to give my life and love to a family
  • I can't support a family right now
  • I'm 28, going on 29 years old
  • I have a college degree
  • I'm living at home working a part time job
  • I can literally go anywhere in the world, there is nothing holding me anywhere
I honestly do have a desire to have a family. Being able to share my life with someone is something I do long for and a desire that I believe God has put on my heart. With so many of my friends starting families and growing their families, I do have a deeper understanding of what it means to have a family in today's world. So I'm somewhat prepared in every way to have a family except financially. This has already lead to a massive disruption in one relationship. That relationship might not be over, but all that remains there at this moment is hope, and little else. I'd still do anything to give that relationship a chance, but that isn't up to me at right now, that's in God's hands and her's.
The facts are I'm going on 30, I have a strong desire to give myself and my love to a family, and I can go anywhere that I can get a job. I know God will lead me where He needs me to go, and the kinda scary thing is, that could be anywhere. Though I am still holding onto a hope that I'll be lead in a certain direction, I'm trying not to let that overwhelm my thinking and prayer.

God, increase my eagerness to do your will and lead me where you need me to go

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