Who Am I?

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I'm just a guy trying to trust in God and be the best I can be for God and others, then myself.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Not A Good Night

Any teacher knows that preparation is key to whatever you are trying to do with your students. I've always known this and done a fairly good job being prepared. I'm not perfect, and honestly, I don't think I've ever been a good teacher and I don't think I'm a very good youth minister.
Tonight I didn't know what kind of numbers I was going to have.  The students have the rest of the week off from school so I wasn't planning on having many show up.
I had 18 high school kids show up... I was not prepared for that.
This turned out to be one of those nights where nothing went well after opening prayer. I didn't know what game to play, tried a few things and none worked well. I went over the gospel reading for this Sunday, and that didn't go well. Closing prayer came along, and the words didn't as the youth were growing restless and laughed or complained of hand sweat.
And I really don't take it personal, but I had one of the youth, while talking about a nearby parish that just a new youth minister tell me that he had wanted the youth minister they just hired to get the job I got here. Again, not taking it personal, but it wasn't the best night for me to hear that.
Pretty sure I'm on the downward slope after the initial high of the new job.
I don't know why I got this job.  There are way better youth ministers out there.  I don't have the passion or the ability as others do... yet here I am.
I've heard over and over again how the Holy Spirit led the community here to pick me for the job.
I'm here for a reason.  I need to do a better job and be more prepared.
Holy Spirit, please help me through this year.

Peace all

1 comment:

  1. If I had some great or wonderful insights or techniques for teaching, I'd offer them to you. But with the recent time on my hands I was offered a position of leading the Children's liturgy at mass --- which I politely declined due to my self-awareness of my limitations. I am sure you are a much more qualified youth minister than I would be.

    However ... whenever I found myself in the unaccustomed position of being stupid about something I MUST know in order to do my job, then I did whatever was necessary to bring my knowledge up to speed. If you are not the best, then you are saying there are better. Don't complain that you are not them, rather find them and study them and --- if nothing else --- duplicate their efforts or techniques. That's called learning. That's also called being humble.

    And it's something they say is hard to do. But they don't say it's impossible.
