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I'm just a guy trying to trust in God and be the best I can be for God and others, then myself.

Monday, November 25, 2013

NCYC 2013 was Awesome!

Describing what is it like to participate in a mass with 23,000 people, over 200 priests and over a dozen bishops is difficult. This was my reality though on Saturday night at the closing mass for NCYC. It took 4 entrance songs for the entire procession to make it in. The entire mass took roughly 2 hours, but it seemed to fly by.
The word "awesome" is the only word that comes to mind to describe the event. It was the largest group I have ever worshiped with, and might ever be.
The one sight that will stick with me happened as the many priests left during the closing song. I noticed at least one taking video on his smart phone and others giving random "high-fives". But, catching sight out of the corner of my eye of a priest running along the front of a section of youth with his hands outstretched, alb flowing behind him slapping hands with the youth was just cool. The joy of the youth being present there, for the priests, I'm sure was uplifting and some just couldn't contain it.
There are too many wonderful things to list or even to remember over this last week.
It was awesome and my prayer is that this event, in its entirety, was life changing for many, if not most, who attended.

Peace all, as I recover from an awesome week.

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