Who Am I?

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I'm just a guy trying to trust in God and be the best I can be for God and others, then myself.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

I Would Crap My Pants

Admittedly, this title is simply there to draw people in, as I am sure it will do.
This post though, is all about Mary, the Mother of God.
We honor Mary, the Theotokos, on January 1st. She's the Mother of God so it only makes sense to show her some special appreciation. When we honor Mary, we are also honoring her son, Jesus Christ.
Mary is amazing when you really think about all she went through.
Imagine if you were sitting in your house and all of a sudden an Angel appeared in front of you and started talking to you. I don't know about you, but I would crap my pants. But what did Mary do? She listened and even asked questions. Her courage and faith was so strong that she glorified God with her Magnificat after her encounter with Gabriel.
Also, think about how close Mary was to her son Jesus. Mary had over 30 years with Jesus compared his disciples and apostles who only had 3 years with Jesus. During those early years Mary would have most likely been Jesus' closest friend. Remember, King Harod had all the young boys around Jesus' age killed. Growing up with almost no boys your age around would have been tough but I'm sure led to Jesus being very close to Mary.
Mary's courage and her relationship with Jesus can never be emulated. Still, we need to look to Mary as an example for every situation in life.
In 2015, I pray that I can have courage like Mary's, trust like Mary's in God, and a relationship even just a fraction as great as Mary's with Jesus.

Peace all and Happy New Year!