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I'm just a guy trying to trust in God and be the best I can be for God and others, then myself.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Mary and Her Nudge

I love the story of the Wedding Feast at Cana. It's the first miracle, or as the author John says, sign, after which the disciples began to believe.
I've always liked the back and forth between Jesus and Mary. The last words of Mary in the Bible are in this story, "do whatever he tells you". These words she tells to the servant, but she also tells them to all of us. We're all called to do whatever her son tells us to do.
Today I thought about Mary's first words in this story and the connection she had and continues to have with her son. Mary knows Jesus better than any other human ever has or ever will. Did she use this as a time to give him a wink and a nudge to start off his ministry? I have this image in my head of Mary telling Jesus "hey son, they're out of wine, why don't you do something to help them out?" with a wink and an elbow poke as he sat at a table or danced around (I'm sure they danced at weddings back then, they were almost week long events).
Jesus was human. He experienced everything that we humans still on earth go through. Just like many of us, sometimes we need a push and a nudge from our mothers to get us moving in the right direction.
If nothing else, this just solidifies just how crucial it is to ask Mary for her prayers. Her son listens to her intently, and if she needs to give him a little elbow nudge I bet she will.

Peace all

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