Who Am I?

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I'm just a guy trying to trust in God and be the best I can be for God and others, then myself.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Busy, Busy, Busy... Mary and Crappy Confessions

I realized that I have not written anything in a while.
With one sport ending and another beginning, along with two retreats in 2 weeks, I just have not had the time to think about "blogging" a whole lot.
I am currently on a mini, self-retreat I guess you would call it to prepare myself to consecrate my life to Mary.  Daily readings and prayer has become a new routine in my life all focused around what it means to give my life over to Mary, the Mother of God, so that she can do with me what she wills, which is the will of God.  I figure this is the best time to do it.  My retreat will end on the eve of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, with me hopefully making my consecration on the day of the Solemnity.  Quite frankly I am a little scared/nervous to be doing this.  I know one the stronger desires that has been growing in my heart is the desire to become a saint.  As I have read a few times now as a part of my retreat, there is no quicker way to sainthood then to give your life over to Mary.  At this point in my life I figure "why not?"  I am young, have nothing tying me down anywhere except for the desire to be closer to my family.  Since I seem to fail at making decisions for myself, why not let Mary start leading me.  
Also, today I went to confession.  There was a wedding just getting over as I arrived so I had to wait a while to go into the church.  For the first time there was no line and I was immediately next up.  My hopes were high for a good cleansing.  I was quickly brought back to earth however.  As I confessed my sins, the priest simply said my sins were forgiven.  He absolved me and that was it.  No act of contrition, simply a penance to perform and that was it.  I left feeling almost cheated, but as I sat down I remembered some of the more import things that I had learned and in turn taught to many students.  The lackluster priest made no difference... it was Christ, working through the priest that forgave me of my sins and has washed me clean.  It is the power of Christ, not the words of the priest that is the most important.  Just another reminder that people may often let us down, but God never will.

Peace all 

1 comment:

  1. Over the years I've made many "consecrations to Mary," but the best I ever made was the listening to the nuns in grade school who told me: "Say three Hail Marys before bed, and Mary will never forget you."

    Even when I stopped attending church, I said those prayers. And Mary eventually dragged me to Medjugorje and re-version to the Faith.

    A mother never forgets her children.
