Who Am I?

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I'm just a guy trying to trust in God and be the best I can be for God and others, then myself.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Moving On Each Day

What's the old saying... moving on is hard to do?
Yea, it is. But move on we must. 
There is no magic formula, no path of least resistance or switch that can be flipped to help a person move on. Would it be great if you could just forget some things from your past? Heck yes it would, but life doesn't work that way. Those events in your past, those people you met, well, you experienced them for a reason and you encountered those people for a reason. 
Life has slapped me across the face so many times you'd think I would be able to see the stinging palm on its way to my sometimes clean shaven face. But nope, I continue to get my hopes up, lose sight of God a little bit and end up running back to Him for some kind of guidance or simply just some help. 
Each time this happens, all I can do is move on. I stop dwelling on the past so much as time goes by. I start looking for other things to occupy my thoughts. And if the general pattern remains, I end up, after a few months, back to asking what happened. 
I'm going to try and not do that this time. My goal is to move on, but in moving on I'll place everything in God's loving arms. What I'm beginning to understand is this is a daily thing. Each day is all I have. Whatever God presents to me is what I'll have that day. I can think about the future a bit, I hope, but I can't fret and I can't keep looking back thinking "what might have been?". 
This makes me think of a song I listened to a lot when I made a huge move in my life.

Here's to moving on!

Peace all

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