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I'm just a guy trying to trust in God and be the best I can be for God and others, then myself.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Mean Choice

I know I don't have many readers, but I still felt I should participate in this.  I also took the entire class period with all my classes today to talk about the horrors of abortion.
Here is my two cents...
The basic shpeel (?) to my students today was how horrible abortion is and how it is unnecessary.  I showed the classic videos, talked about what the law says and allows, how it isn't just a faith issue and even about what a partial-birth abortion is.
Out of all of that, I tried to some up my message with what I see as the root cause of the huge number of abortions that go on, at least in the US, but also across the world.
The outrageous (well, any killing of an innocent child is outrageous) number of abortions I believe is a direct cause of the way our current culture views sex.  Sex nowadays is nothing more then a recreational activity that can be done as easily as watching a movie going out for coffee.  Our culture has degraded sex so much that when the actual realities of sex come to fruition, the immediate response is to get rid of the natural outcome of those actions.  I tried to put it as plain as I could to my students the fact that rampant pre-marital sex is the big cause for this human rights horror story that is abortion in the United States.  Whether that sunk in or not, I don't know, but I am confident that all my students see how awful at least the abortion procedure is.
I am going to try again in the morning, this time with the entire school.  We touched on the subject today at our all school mass, but I want to drive some points home for all to hear in my reflection tomorrow morning.  I only pray the Holy Spirit will work through me to get said what needs to be said to the whole school, students and staff.

Peace all  

1 comment:

  1. While I have always been absolutely against abortion, I was surprised how depressed I was when this last anniversary came up. I saw all of these news articles celebrating the anniversary and it felt like such a brain warp.
