Who Am I?

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I'm just a guy trying to trust in God and be the best I can be for God and others, then myself.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Religion, Politics and Bare Feet?

Alright, bare with on this one.
I had some interesting thoughts while on a run this evening.  They made sense at the time... lets see if I can translate them for my many (haha) readers.
While sitting on the throne and flipping through my running magazine, I read the Vibram FiveFinger ad.  If you don't know what they are, check them out here.  I decided to throw my pair on and go for a nice barefoot jog.
While on my jog I thought about the running industry and how the barefoot running craze has taken fire.  For all of the non-runners out there, bringing up barefoot running with a group of runners is like bringing up religion or politics with any group of adults; it can get heated and feelings often get hurt.
Vibram started out making soles for many different shoe companies and when this barefoot crazy took off, they were one of the first to dive right in.  They offer a "shoe" that simply protects the foot from the world, while providing little structural support so as to allow the body and the natural mechanics of the foot and the running motion to do that for the runner.
As I was thinking about this I started thinking about the Catholic Church and its relationship to the world.  As the foundation for all of Christianity, providing, if you will, the "soul" of Christianity, the Catholic Church is attune to the Vibram's of the Christianity.
The Church is there to help and guide all humans, to give them a basis of support in their lives.  The Church helps us to understand our lives, our bodies, our minds and our souls.  Thats what Vibram is doing!  Helping people to understand their bodies, add a little bit of protection and help and get us moving in the right direction.

Ok, it was and is a stretch and this does not sound as good as it did in my head, but I had to try and explain because after a long day at school, all of this made me smile. :)

Peace all!

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