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I'm just a guy trying to trust in God and be the best I can be for God and others, then myself.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

NFL and the First Commandment

Something I wanted to post on Facebook but decided against.

Americans just love breaking the first commandment "you shall not have other gods besides me." Exodus 20 if you want to read all of them.  I lost count of how many people posted on Facebook how glorious of a day today is because NFL football is starting.  Packer fans, Bears fans, Vikings fans, 49er fans... its ridiculous.  Today is a glorious day because God made it, not because you can watch grown men who get paid an exorbitant amount of money to collide and run away from each other in the gladiator-like spectacle we call the NFL.  How much better would the United States of America be if people put half of the money they spent on football into services that help other people?  The money put into football only helps those that don't need any help except to buy their lavish homes and give millions of young boys the false hope of becoming famous someday for simply throwing a football well.  Also, lets not fail to mention the people whose entire weeks rest on the outcomes of their teams games.  Instead of finding joy in every breath as we always should, if their team loses, the next week could be mishmash of angry outbursts and altogether unpleasantness for those who have to come in contact with them only because they put all their hopes on the outcome of a football game!

I'm glad my roommate and I have decided against having cable this year so I do not have to fall into the distraction and pomp of the NFL and Americas god.
*If you are just a fan that enjoys watching some of the greatest athletes compete at the highest level, that's great, I am not attacking you.  All I am saying is keep the focus on Christ; He is the only one worthy of the worship far to many give to too many other things.


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