Who Am I?

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I'm just a guy trying to trust in God and be the best I can be for God and others, then myself.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Happy Birthday!

To the Church of course.

Pentecost... what a wonderful event and one that I tried my best to drill into my students at the beginning of the year.
One event holds so much importance!... and allowed for multiple test questions.

  • What is the birthday of the Church?
  • When did the Holy Spirit descend upon the Apostles and Mary?
  • What event is the official start of Church history?
  • What day marks the end of the Easter Season?
It is on this day, when I remembered to wear red, that reminds me of one of the greatest bits of knowledge I have ever heard.  Every time you think about praying, it is the Holy Spirit working in you, pushing and prodding you to speak with God.  I still will thank the Holy Spirit at those weird moments when I have a sudden urge to pray... and I always smile.
So here's to letting the Holy Spirit be our guide, just as it was way back when as it gave the disciples of Jesus the courage to go out and spread the Good News.
I'm trying Holy Spirit... please keep pushing me.


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