Who Am I?

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I'm just a guy trying to trust in God and be the best I can be for God and others, then myself.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Skier's Thumb

If you are one of my very few regular readers you know that I have taken up downhill skiing. I live 30 minutes from a pretty good mountain so why not, right?
Well, skiing down a mountain is only so much fun. The real fun is the terrain park. Catching air is awesome if not slightly terrifying sometimes. Yesterday, I was lucky enough to catch up with some of my youth from youth group who have the same idea I do, only they are a lot better then I am at this point. Following them through the park gave me a lot of confidence and I was having a great time.
I should have stopped then.
Cruising to the last jump, I now know that I had a bit too much speed. Up and over and boom. It could have been a lot worse, but I'm paying for that last jump and will be for at least a few more days.
My left thumb is pretty much immobile. Just try going through your day without using your thumb at all... it sucks and is difficult. 
If my own Lenten fasting was not enough I now have this to deal with. Still, I'm trying to look at all of this in a positive way. It's painful, but not unbearable. Sure, I have to put a bit more thought into everyday tasks, but its okay. I can offer all this up for the glory of God's kingdom.

Peace all

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