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I'm just a guy trying to trust in God and be the best I can be for God and others, then myself.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

What Should I Have Done?

I appreciate it when a priest takes his time and shows true reverence when celebrating the liturgy of the Eucharist.  Don't get me wrong, it used to bug me when I thought that priests were just dragging out the mass as long as they could... just to torture me of course.  Now, I look forward to the long pauses and simple slowness that some priests still share with the congregation.
The guest priest at our all school mass did just that today.  I loved it... but I was one of the few.
I feel embarrassed to talk about this, but I feel like I should.  
While the priest elevated the host, and then the cup, I heard a student behind me whisper "hurry up... hurry up and drink it G-d dammit"
Shock was my initial response... then anger.  Those words completely took me away from the holy sacrifice of the mass.  I stood there thinking "what should I do?", all the while acting like I had not heard the words that started to seem like they were whispered into my ears only. 
I kept thinking about. I wanted to turn around and do or say something.  I imagined it was Satan who was working through this poor young man.  I wanted to yell out "get back from Satan!!!"  at the top of lungs with all the furry I imagine Jesus had as he said those words to Peter.
Yet, I did nothing.  I tried to pull myself back into the mass and the sacrifice that was laid on the altar before me.  I said a prayer for the young man while fighting off the urge to pummel him.
This continued to bug me the remainder of the mass... it still bugs me now... I cannot lie about that.  
What should I have done?
What can I still do?... is maybe the better question at this point.


1 comment:

  1. Well, I could think up all kinds of snarky comments, but what I might have actually done was one of two things: 1) a long stare, or 2)said: "If you don't wish to be here, you should leave."

    Neither response is impolite. Both get the point across. Neither invites a response. And both would relieve my anxiety and let me focus on the mass again. I think that's the real important point, since no action or words would have any significant impact on one who would have said those words aloud during mass. But any words or actions might (with God's grace) give him something to think about later on.
