Who Am I?

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I'm just a guy trying to trust in God and be the best I can be for God and others, then myself.

Monday, December 24, 2012

I Hate This Feeling

It's Christmas, so you would think I would be overjoyed to be home.  I am in all honesty, but one thing keeps coming up in my mind that keeps bringing me down.  Since I am young and therefore stupid in a lot of ways, a current relationship keeps bringing me troubled thoughts. I guess troubled wouldn't be the best word...I really don't know what to call it, but I can't stop thinking about it.
Being away grom home for seven years has not been easy. For a lot of that time I had a significant other which made life more enjoyable. If there is one thing I learned from that relationship it is that if your futures don't seem to be matching up  maybe you need to rethink the whole situation.
Each time I come home I see more and more how much my family misses me and needs me. I see my future bringing me home, for lots of different reasons. My grandparents have a farm that I would like nothing more then to live on someday and all of this "someday" talk is quickly approaching.
So here is the problem... this person who I have been talking to for a while and building a relationship with has no desire to leave her home and her family. They do not neee her like my family needs me and her family can travel a lot more easily then mine can. I feel like I am making it a competition of whose family is more important.
Since we are both justified by our desires to be with our families do we just call it quits right now to save the heartache or keep pushing on?
I wish I had some answers... this is not what I wanted to be worrying about on Christmas.
Merry Christmas and glory to the newborn king!

1 comment:

  1. Growing in holiness is a lifelong project, a spouse is to be part of that growth. And (as I've been reflecting upon lately) with growth, positive growth, comes pain.

    I'm much older than you. Some of the things I've learned along the way are: A marriage is between three beings; if the one you are considering is only two, it will fail in the whole purpose of marriage, getting you (and your family) to heaven; The commandments are about loving God and neighbor --- the first three are about God, He comes first. And the only commandment with a hook at the end is the Fourth: Honor your father and mother --- "that you may have eternal life." It's the one I wrestle with now --- even as my 94-year old mom just asked me "what grade are you in?"

    Life is and will be hard; it doesn't get easier. But your questions shouldn't be about what you want versus what she wants, they should be: "What do You want?"
