Who Am I?

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I'm just a guy trying to trust in God and be the best I can be for God and others, then myself.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Ups and Downs

Sitting in Adoration today with my classes went as usual.  I get a few minutes of silence for prayer and then I mostly look like I am praying while listening around me to make sure students are staying silent.
Luckily all it usually takes to get students to be quiet is a quick look from me.
Today was tougher though in terms of prayer.  I seem to be on one of my downward turns as far as prayer.  Last week I did great.  Waking up most mornings to pray and starting off my day wonderfully.
This last week though, I still woke up early but then hit the snooze and said a quick prayer after rolling out of bed.
The ups and downs of prayer are frustrating.  Like most things in life, prayer takes practice.  I need to just keep pushing and on my ups really take advantage and on my downs do a little better each time.

1 comment:

  1. I am much older than you, and it took me many years to get my prayer life into a GOOD rut. That began when I started using the breviary. I always do the Readings, Morning Prayer, and (now) Evening Prayer. Forcing myself to do those prayers (I started at about age 40 or so) made a big difference in my life, or at least supported the major changes going on, being led by the Spirit.

    You may think that is not much (or it is hard), but Cardinal Dolan in his recent book notes that those are the only prayers that ensures he prays each day.
