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I'm just a guy trying to trust in God and be the best I can be for God and others, then myself.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Today's Youth Are Boring and Headed for Hell

The self-proclaimed atheists do everything they can to try to not fit in with society. They don't look boring with their colored hair, but truly they are. They have no true aspirations in life and only want to "do their own thing" which means follow anything that isn't main stream. Their lives are so boring they spend all day trying to convince themselves they aren't happy even though they have nothing to complain about when it comes to the basics of life. And they'll fight the Catholic faith every chance they get just because it gives them a bit of a rush.
But don't worry, they aren't the only boring ones. The good kids are just as boring these days. Getting so caught up in good grades and getting into the college of their dreams means they live lives so over planned and lacking of any excitement they don't know what actual passion is.
The kids that actually have a passion for something get ostracized for being different and not fitting any one of the acceptable molds.
Parents are so caught up in making money and what society dictates their children should be doing they have no idea what their kids might actually have interests in. It's no wonder the kids have no passions. Parents do all they can to support their kids while failing to teach their kids essentials in life. Families don't spend time together anymore, yet parents complain that their kids schedules are so filled up.  They let their kids pick where they want to go to school and what classes they want to take and at the end of the day their kids have free reign to believe and do whatever they like.

A debate broke out in one of my classes today. A very staunch pro-life student ended up getting hit from all sides by other students who were pro-choice. Everything from "the government has no say in what I do to my body" to "a fetus is not a human" where hurled at her in very nonchalant ways that it was almost unsettling. The grip the culture of death has on a great deal of our youth is scary. Their only passions are self pride and selfishness.

I fear for a lot of souls and don't quite know what I can do.
God help us.

1 comment:

  1. What to do? Well, IMHO prayer made a difference in the outcome of this election, and it can make a difference in our future. It's definitely a place to start.

    But if you want to understand more where these youth's thinking comes from, I strongly suggest you read Rusty Reno's new book: Resurrecting the Idea of a Christian Society. There is hope, but sitting back complaining as our culture seems want to do, changes nothing.
