Who Am I?

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I'm just a guy trying to trust in God and be the best I can be for God and others, then myself.

Saturday, July 27, 2013


As a kid I had problems with anxiety.  My worst moments were in the fifth grade.  I was so afraid to go into this teachers room because I hated to hear him yell at my fellow students, which he always seemed to do. The anxiety literally made me sick to the point where I went home a few times.
Over the years I have learned to control my anxiety and basically stop worrying about a lot of things that I used to.  I think the moment a person realizes they don't have a whole lot of control over things anyways, why worry about those things so much?  Those understandings have helped me a lot.
This past week was a rough week for me and for the first time in a long time I felt some anxiety.  This I take as good and bad.  My anxiety was over being able to go to confession.  I went so far as to check all the churches in town, then re-check, and then check again the church I was planning on going to.  So that's the good part I guess... confession/reconciliation is an amazing Sacrament that I have only in the past few years really begun to understand my true need for.
The bad is that I even needed to go to confession so desperately.  It frustrates me how easily I fall into temptation and how many times I don't think I fight against it as hard as I could or should.

At the end of the day though, and as the priest reminded me in the confessional, I am good.
God loves me more then I can imagine and if you haven't experienced the feeling of leaving the confessional and feeling the weight of your sins being lifted off of you, I highly recommend it.

Peace all

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your story, Anxiety can make simple things, like getting ready for the day, more difficult. You may being making excuses because of the way you feel. This could leave you feeling alienated and lonely.
    Herbal Remedies for Anxiety
