Who Am I?

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I'm just a guy trying to trust in God and be the best I can be for God and others, then myself.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Devil At Work

At mass today, I slipped up.  I didn't say the "holy" where I was supposed to.  I don't really know why I didn't say it and ended up catching myself feeling slightly embarrassed   A thought that came to my head was somehow the devil was trying to get me to slip up.  It seems so simple, just messing up a response at mass.  But was it the work of the devil or one of the daemons?
Then, during the Liturgy of the Eucharist, the priest slipped up as well.  He slipped up at a part I have never heard a priest slip up at before... one of the easier, said at every mass, phrases.
My first thought was "aha!" it is the devil... he is lurking, trying to mess us up.
Whether or not the devil messed us up or not, my thoughts went to something more profound (I guess you could say).
As one grows in holiness, a.k.a. grows closer to God, is it easier to see where the devil is at work in the world?

I think so...
That is a scary thing when I think about it.  The closer I grow to God the more I will see how the devil and his daemons are at work in the world.  Being more aware of evil does not sound inviting I have to admit.
Still, we can't fight what we can't see.
So bring it on... as I grow closer to you Lord, open my eyes to see where the devil is at work.

Peace all

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