Who Am I?

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I'm just a guy trying to trust in God and be the best I can be for God and others, then myself.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Single But Not All On My Own

This gentleman has some great points and some great reminders for myself, especially since I'm single...
Peace all

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for providing this link. I have to admit I was impressed by this young man. He said much worth thinking about.
    And speaking as someone who pursued marriage because "you're supposed to," I can attest to the problems with this approach. When I was financially stable, I looked around for a pretty woman (doesn't that make a perfect marriage??), asked her to marry, and that took care of that. Checked one more thing off my bucket list. I thought the vows and ceremony freed me to move on to the next item I was "supposed to do." But I had not prepared for marriage, I had not made any vow to God (that I was aware of) as part of the marriage, and I did not realize that the vows were only the start, the start of a lot of work, of making a marriage.
    There was so much I didn't know, largely in part, because I never stopped to try to know God and what he wanted for me first, before I decided what I wanted for me.
    Don't make the mistakes I did. Better to be late to marriage, if that is to be your vocation, than to be too early. Better to let God put a potential spouse into your life, than go out chasing a pretty one. There is a bit of sagely wisdom in that song, "Never Make a Pretty Woman Your Wife."
