Who Am I?

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I'm just a guy trying to trust in God and be the best I can be for God and others, then myself.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


I've had a few thoughts I had in the past weeks that I have finally remembered to put down in writing.
One from a while back that sticks out to me still is a way of looking or thinking about Jesus.  I've never really felt like I have had that intimate of a relationship with Jesus.  That has been a struggle for me for my entire faith life.  I couldn't tell you what prompted it, but one day sitting at mass I thought of Jesus as a big brother.  I still remember the comfort I felt in thinking of Jesus in that way; as a guy who I could talk to about anything, someone I could always look up to and someone who would always look out for me.
Then just recently the understanding, or at least insight into the fact that God knows me intimately struck me. Maybe I had never thought about it or didn't think I was worthy or what, but to finally begin to grasp that God knows me... me... on a personal basis was wonderful.  Thinking of God as a someone who just sits up in heaven and looks down on all of us and hears our prayers has been my basic view since I can remember.  God, though, knows me, cares about me.  He is personally with me always.

The grace of understanding and insights... gotta love 'em.

Peace all

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