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I'm just a guy trying to trust in God and be the best I can be for God and others, then myself.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Lets Roll With This

I am no expert and I never will be.  There are a lot smarter people out there that can tell you everything you need to know about the teachings of the Church.  I understand how counter-cultural the teachings of the Church can seem though.
What worries me with all this talk about the HHS mandate is all the talk about how 99% of Catholic women use birth control.  I really hope the number is not that high, but I know it is up there.
Why can't Church leaders use this as a time to explain a teaching that is very much misunderstood or simply ignored by so many Catholics; the fact that the use of contraception (except for medical reasons) is against Church teachings.
So many Catholics do not understand this and I can imagine even more Christians as well fail to understand how the proliferation of different forms of artificial contraception have lead to the moral degradation of our society.
The Church approves of only Natural Family Planning when it comes to any form of trying to plan a pregnancy.
Lets take this momentum from the HHS mandate and religious freedom fight and keep stirring the pot a bit.  There are enough gifted Catholics out there that know what they are talking about, so lets keep the truth flowing and lets roll with this... our society needs it.


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