Who Am I?

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I'm just a guy trying to trust in God and be the best I can be for God and others, then myself.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Music and the Moments Lost

I love how music can have such a force on us.  One song can take me back to memories from long ago.  Another song can take me a place I have never been but only dreamed of.  Other songs can take me to a different time, a different era.
When I first heard this song all I could think about was when life was simpler.  When people had to actually work in order to live.  I don't know why it did.  A scary feeling, but one I miss at the moment.  I miss it because, it was one of those moments you get only once, when you listen to a song for the first time.
Where the West Wind Blows~ Green River Ordinance
-the acoustic version

Peace all

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Busy, Busy, Busy... Mary and Crappy Confessions

I realized that I have not written anything in a while.
With one sport ending and another beginning, along with two retreats in 2 weeks, I just have not had the time to think about "blogging" a whole lot.
I am currently on a mini, self-retreat I guess you would call it to prepare myself to consecrate my life to Mary.  Daily readings and prayer has become a new routine in my life all focused around what it means to give my life over to Mary, the Mother of God, so that she can do with me what she wills, which is the will of God.  I figure this is the best time to do it.  My retreat will end on the eve of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, with me hopefully making my consecration on the day of the Solemnity.  Quite frankly I am a little scared/nervous to be doing this.  I know one the stronger desires that has been growing in my heart is the desire to become a saint.  As I have read a few times now as a part of my retreat, there is no quicker way to sainthood then to give your life over to Mary.  At this point in my life I figure "why not?"  I am young, have nothing tying me down anywhere except for the desire to be closer to my family.  Since I seem to fail at making decisions for myself, why not let Mary start leading me.  
Also, today I went to confession.  There was a wedding just getting over as I arrived so I had to wait a while to go into the church.  For the first time there was no line and I was immediately next up.  My hopes were high for a good cleansing.  I was quickly brought back to earth however.  As I confessed my sins, the priest simply said my sins were forgiven.  He absolved me and that was it.  No act of contrition, simply a penance to perform and that was it.  I left feeling almost cheated, but as I sat down I remembered some of the more import things that I had learned and in turn taught to many students.  The lackluster priest made no difference... it was Christ, working through the priest that forgave me of my sins and has washed me clean.  It is the power of Christ, not the words of the priest that is the most important.  Just another reminder that people may often let us down, but God never will.

Peace all 

Monday, November 5, 2012

Love and Soul Mates

I wrote this to a friend... and I actually liked what I wrote, so I figured I should share it.

As far as someone leading me in my faith... I don't want that.  I have always been the pusher in my relationships, or at least the one that was defending the faith.  It was nice talking to you and not having to defend my faith and what it stands for.  I don't think I should ever need one person to pull me along in my faith... that is something that I should do.  St. Paul never had anyone... most saints didn't have anyone but God when I think about it.  Sure, they had help at times, but it was always God that was pulling, not another human being, unless you count Jesus.  So I would like someone to walk with me, wherever they are in there journey.  My journey is mine and God's.  I trust in God to keep pulling me, and oh how he does! (we both know that)

As for soul mates, well, my soul, along with every other persons, longs for God.  If there is someone out there who can bring me closer to God, then I would consider them my soul mate.  Sure I have a list, who doesn't?  Its what is discovered that is beyond that list that makes dating exciting!  Someone may fit the list perfectly but if it doesn't work, it doesn't work.  I know that I can never love another person perfectly, as no one can love me perfectly.  We're human, no relationship is going to be perfect.  A relationship can only be perfect in how well the two stay focused on Christ.  As Psalm 146 says, I will put my trust in God, not in humans when it comes to all things.  I also really hope that 7 men do not have to die before I can find my wife, should that be God's will.

Peace all!